Georgia Ensemble Theatre
A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare, directed by Mary Saville
It’s summertime and you’re headed into the woods to look for peace & quiet, shade, or maybe anonymity. Along the path, you’ll meet other groups looking for the same things. If one or two of them happen to be powerfully magical, and one or two of them happen to be in love with someone unexpected, and they bump into a group of amateur actors trying to rehearse a tragedy, well—it might all make for a hilarious, enchanted adventure. The whole family will find something funny or charming in this abbreviated version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream that uses the natural world as inspiration. Stories grow on trees around here, and you’re invited to dream a story with us.

Performance Date and Location
August 20, 3:00 – 4:30 pm – Don White Park by the River
September 10, 3:00 – 4:30 pm – Don White Park by the River
About the Artist
The mission at Georgia Ensemble Theatre is to “create connections between artists and audiences of all ages,” and we are inspired to make art that asks people to engage with big ideas in an entertaining and accessible way. Using a philosophy of collaboration and selflessness, we aim to make sure that everyone’s voice is heard and everyone’s story can be told. Georgia Ensemble Theatre is the longest-running professional theatre in North Fulton County. Established in 1992 by Bob and Anita Farley to offer a creative home for Atlanta artists, GET was for 30 years the Resident Professional Theatre at the Roswell Cultural Arts Center. In 2021, the GET Studio location opened in North Roswell and became the home of the wide-ranging educational programs offered by GET, serving over 400 students every year. We also send educational productions into schools–our annual production of And Then They Came for Me: Remembering the World of Anne Frank has been seen by over half a million Georgia students and teachers! Now our Travel Teams deliver great theatre to schools, libraries, senior centers, and more. Beginning in 2023, GET expands to offer our Mainstage programming at the Jennie T. Anderson Theatre in Marietta, while the Studio programs continue year-round in Roswell.
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