October is National Arts & Humanities Month


By Rochelle Mucha

Activate our spaces!
Revitalize our communities!
Teach us about our past, present and future!
Strengthen our community connections!

The Roswell Arts Fund strives to fully integrate the arts into the social and economic fabric that is uniquely Roswell. Today I invite you to join us in celebrating National Arts and Humanities Month (NAHM) all throughout October.

NAHM is a month long national recognition when arts organizations, municipalities and states recognize the arts and their contribution in creating vibrant communities. NAHM encourages all Americans to explore the arts and the role they play in our daily lives.

From Hollywood to Broadway to main street USA, there are more than 100,000 nonprofit theaters, dance companies, orchestras, museums, media arts centers, and festivals along with innumerable libraries, history museums, and literature groups and hundreds of thousands of unincorporated choruses, choirs, and poetry clubs.

In reality, every month could be an arts and humanities month in America!


Here is a sampling: 

Choosing Art for Your Home or Office
Hosted by the Roswell Arts Fund and the Roswell Arts District
Wednesday, October 5th
Muse & Co. Fine Art Gallery, 31B Oak Street
RSVP Required (amy@roswellartsfund.org)

Roswell Arts Fund Board Member and Art Consultant, Mike Harris will moderate a panel with Interior Designer Dianne Geyer, and Gallerists: Donna McDonald, of Muse & Co. Fine Art Gallery, Mary Kinzel Means of Taylor Kinzel Gallery and Ann Jackson of Ann Jackson Gallery.  


ArtAround Roswell Bus Tour

October 8, 2016
Departing City Hall at 1:00 and 2:45 PM
RSVP required (kjones@roswellgov.com)

Get the insight story about the art and artists. Enjoy snacks and participate to win prizes. 

For the third year, The Roswell Arts Fund and the Cultural Services Division are inviting  Artists, Art Educators, and Creative Industries to show off their stuff.  We will award three $100 CREATIVE COMPETITION AWARDS to the organizations or individuals that propose the most innovative arts idea. Award winning ideas will introduce something new to Roswell, broaden participation by attracting new audiences, actively engage participants and have the potential to positively impact Roswell’s economy and enhance Roswell’s brand.


4th Public Conversation on the Arts, featuring Jamie Bennett, Executive Director ArtPlace America
Hosted by the Roswell Arts Fund and Roswell Inc
October 26, 2016
7:00 – 8:30 P.M.(6:00 Registration and Refreshments)
River Landing, 245 Azalea Street
RSVP Required (amy@roswellartsfund.org)

Attendees will gain a deeper understanding about how and why strategic investment in, and integration of the arts in communities drives economic and social vitality for a city. As advocates and funders for creative placemaking, ArtPlace America leverages the power of the arts to grow the quality and character of a place.


A complete calendar of events will be available online at Roswellgov.com.

Economically, the Arts contributed $704.2 billion to the US economy in 2013, generating billions in tax revenue in 2012.

Socially, the Arts allow us to explore ideas, express emotions, and better appreciate cultures from around the world.

In times of increasing and concerning polarization here and abroad, the Arts open doors to understanding and acceptance, highlighting our humanity, how we all are alike, not different. There is no price tag on peace!

The Arts are a fundamental and essential part of our culture.

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