What We Do

The Bike Rack Project

Why Artistic Bike Racks?

Great cities integrate art, aesthetic elements into the fabric of who they are and that means integrating aesthetic elements into the design of the structure of everyday life. Bike racks are a wonderful way to capture a city’s vibe, provoke curiosity, and a smile.

Since 2006, the City of Roswell has been designated as a Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists. Roswell was the first city in Georgia to receive this recognition.

The Bike Rack Project is a partnership initiative between the City of Roswell and Roswell Arts Fund.  

The Bike Rack Project is designed to:

  • Enhance Roswell’s image as a cultural destination and bicycle friendly city 
  • Help brand Roswell, activate our Modern Spirit. Southern Soul
  • Accommodate our large number of cyclers
  • Promote healthy living and healthy air
  • Weave art into our infrastructure 
  • Improve our aesthetic biking and pedestrian experience
  • Build our public art collection
  • Encourage alternative mode of transportation in dense areas with parking shortages such as Historic Downtown Roswell 
  • Put a smile on your face!

Unity by Nathan Pierce

Located at Northwood Elementary

Sponsored by Northwood Foundation

Unity, By Nathan Pierce, is the perfect piece for its spot welcoming students at the entrance of Northwood Elementary. Locked arm in arm, this glistening family of steel and colored plexiglass inspire kids to bike, play, and even sing. A heart at the center of one of the figures is an emblem for the love this piece is meant to inspire in children every day.

Pierce was inspired by the love he feels in his own family when creating this functional sculpture. You can even see a mark from his son Rolf nestled in the metalwork, a moment of fatherly bonding ensconced in the very metal of the art. As a representation of parental love and connection, there isn’t a better piece.

Ribbon by Lewis Body

Located at Riverside Park. 

Sponsored by The Inaugural Roswell Magazine 10U40 Class
(Jon Copsey , Michael Curling, Gisele Holloway, Alex Kaufman, Randy Mallard, Carli McDonald, Ryan Pernice, Jennifer Peterson, Pat Rains and Lisa Stevens) 

When Lewis Body designed the Ribbon bike racks for our Bike Rack Project, he was inspired by the beauty of the Chattahoochee River. The racks’ flowing blue curves mirror the winding sinew of the river’s waters while perfectly executing their function as secure and beautiful places to lock your bicycle! The design incorporates a respect for the natural landscape, eco-friendly transportation, and heart-healthy outdoor fun in one delightful concept.

Excited by the opportunity to work with Roswell as his canvass, Body wanted to inspire creativity with the upbeat coloring and vivid shapes that emanate fun and fuel creativity in those who see them. Having worked in the field of metalwork for nearly a decade, Body has an instinctual feel for merging complex thematic goals with straightforward creative concepts and brought his best skills to bear with Ribbon.

Golden by Joe Norman

Located at Sloan Street Park

If you’ve ever been anywhere in Roswell, you’d know that this city loves its dogs! Nestled in the playground of Sloan Street Park you’ll find a fund reminder of this canine connection in Golden by Joe Norman. This big blue golden retriever is a stalwart sentinel and welcoming friend to cyclists visiting the park or nearby attractions like Big Creek Greenway and downtown Roswell. And of course, there’s plenty of places to walk your pooch if you’re ever taking your own four-legged friend out for a stroll!

Joe Norman wanted to speak directly to the love of Roswellians for their dogs. Vibrant color highlights the whimsical feel of the piece and big bold cuts invite observation, interaction, and joy. His passion for environmental stewardship is integral to the piece and his skill amassed from hundreds of other pieces and installations shows through in the quality of the piece.

ROSWELL by Jared Weinstein

Located in Friendship Park at Big Creek Park 

The Roswell bike rack by Jared Weinstein is a beautiful and welcoming sculpture helping to invite guests in as they enter from Alpharetta via Big Creek Greenway. The earthy green and cloudlike white reflect the natural surroundings of the letters, acting as a proud yet subtle indicator of this forested gateway to our city. The smooth, modern design is functional and stylish with a sleek shape that’s reminiscent of cyclists speeding around the curves.

Weinstein has an obvious love for typography and an affection for the environments that surround his installations. Nearly one ton of powder coated steel went to make this secure, placemaking resource that’s perfect for anyone looking to stop and enjoy the views from the bridges around Friendship Park. Whenever you see this piece, you’ll be reminded that you’re home in the art friendly city of Roswell!

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