What We Do

Developer’s Guide to Public Art

In 2014, the City of Roswell completed the Imagine Roswell Arts and Culture 2030 Master Plan to advance the city’s cultural development and fully integrate the arts into the social and economic fabric that is uniquely Roswell.

Part of the plan was the establishment of a flourishing public art program and in 2016 a Public Art Master Plan was completed by Roswell Arts Fund on behalf of the City.

Including public art in your projects can add a number of benefits to your business, including:

  • Increased tourism and revenue to local businesses
  • Influences unique aesthetic that sets property apart from the competition
  • Increased real estate and resell value
  • Magnifies exposure for business
  • Establishes a truly unique identity for business
  • Enhanced experience for those who live/work/play in our community
  • YOU become a leader and supporter of the creative economy in Roswell

This guide is meant to be an introduction to incorporating public art in your designs.

As the designated arts agency for the city, we at Roswell Arts Fund are here to assist you with concepting, permitting, and implementing your projects.

Please review the guide and contact us to schedule a meeting to discuss the possibilities for your existing or upcoming projects.

How do we choose public art in Roswell?  

All public art is managed through a similar process that provides for customization based on specific circumstances and budgets. These processes and recommended ordinances are presented in detail in our Public Art Master Plan. We’ve created a summary of the process for your review.

Do you have a project in mind?

This public art master plan provides a strategic direction and community-wide vision for how public art can be integrated into the framework of the city. If you are considering a project, please reach out for assistance. 

Artists Around the Table

Artists Bike Racks