Patch Feature: ArtAround Roswell Bike Tour On Sept. 15


The event will allow residents to learn more about the sculptures around the city and the artists who created them.

By Kristal Dixon, Patch Staff  | Updated 

ROSWELL, GA — Residents who like to get around Roswell on their bikes are invited to a special tour of public art displays around the city.

The Roswell Arts Fund and Bike Roswell! will host a free, guided ArtAround Roswell bike tour from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 15. The tour allows participants to hear the stories behind the sculptures and learn more about the artists who created them. You’ll also learn why Roswell is becoming a destination for art lovers and artists themselves.

At each stop, riders will have the opportunity to stop for photos and interact with this unique museum without walls. The ride will start and stop at Tap and Six at 23 Oak Street for some pre-ride snacks and post ride refreshments.

If you can’t make the bike tour, you are more than welcome to join organizers and other participants for the gathering at Tap and Six. Proceeds from the afternoon will benefit Roswell Arts Fund, an independent nonprofit organization and designated arts agency for the city. Roswell Arts Fund works to advocate and strengthen the arts in the city, and fully integrate the arts into the social and economic fabric of the city.

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