Artists in Residence


In 2005, Public Art Saint Paul, a private non-profit collaborated with the City to launch the City Artist in Residence Program (CAIR). Artists in Residence are employees of Public Art Saint Paul and work across City agencies. City Ordinance states that artists shall be involved in the design, implementation and integration of art in public projects including preparation of plans by private consultants. The CAIRs presence at the earliest stages of new thinking ensures a systemic impact on the city’s infrastructure, water, forest, daily function and use of public spaces.

Your business is not Microsoft, Amtrak, or a renowned hotel. Your city is not Saint Paul. Please spare me the “Yes, But”.

The nuggets for creativity through creating an Artist in Residence program for your business, large or small, await you. Making the arts and their creators a natural part of the workplace engages employees and the community you serve. It can be the single untapped resource to help your business meet its goals.

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