ArtAround Roswell 2021-2022 Temporary Sculpture


David Landis | Atlanta GA

Location: Big Creek Park

Materials:  Stainless steel
Dimensions: 9 ft x 5 ft x 3 ft
Available for purchase: Contact to learn more.

If Fold makes you do a double-take when seeing it compared to one of ArtAround’s permanent pieces – Sentience – you’ve got a very perceptive eye. Both sleek pieces constructed of polished steel, David Landis created each sculpture with a reverence for nature and inspiration drawn from natural form. Almost a companion piece to the giant sunflower of Sentience, Fold resembles the pulse of a butterfly’s wing as much as it emerges from origami-like folds, ready to take off in search of silvery nectar.

David Landis’s figurative body of work offers a compelling view of dreamlike animal imagery, with large-scale outdoor sculptures comprised of stainless steel with nature-based themes. His work is greatly influenced by exotic flora and fauna. He finds leaves, seeds, and flowers visually seductive and loaded with symbolism. In addition, the fleeting quality and constant flux of seasonal changes create an intriguing dialogue when the subjects are preserved in the permanence of metal.